Chesapeake Conservancy Welcomes New Board Members

Annapolis, Md. – Today, Chesapeake Conservancy announced that Principal Chief Keith F. Anderson of the Nansemond Indian Nation, Michelle Bailey Hedgepeth和Vibha Jain 米勒被选为该组织的董事会成员. Thad Bench and Beattra Wilson have concluded their board service.

“On behalf of the board, I am pleased to welcome our new board members,” said Chesapeake Conservancy Board Chair Randall Larrimore. “Chief Anderson, Ms. Bailey Hedgepeth and Ms. 米勒 each bring exceptional leadership skills, and we are grateful that they have chosen to share their wisdom, 我们的目标是到2030年保护切萨皮克湾30%的流域.”

“We thank Mr. Bench and Ms. 感谢他们在董事会期间分享专业知识和领导力,” Larrimore continued.

“我非常荣幸能在十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会任职. 该组织在保护切萨皮克湾和优先考虑其周边社区的需求方面产生了巨大的影响. I look forward to being an integral voice for environmental stewardship,” said Principal Chief Anderson.

“I am extremely honored and privileged to join the board, and I look forward to serving and bringing my views to the organization. 我热衷于环境问题,尤其是环境正义. 我把这次任命看作是一个追求这些激情的机会,为有色人种社区带来改变,” said Ms. Bailey Hedgepeth.

“我很高兴能加入十大赌博正规老平台协会的董事会,并将努力推进该组织的美好使命,” said Ms. 米勒.

Principal Chief Keith F. Anderson

Principal Chief Keith F. 安德森是南森蒙德印第安民族的首席执行官, one of Virginia’s seven federally recognized tribes. The tribal service area includes Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport 新闻, 汉普顿, Suffolk and Isle of Wight in Virginia. Prior to becoming chief, 他曾担任南森蒙德印第安民族的环境项目协调员, deepening both his experience and connections with local, 州政府和联邦政府官员以及他毕生对环境正义的兴趣. 安德森局长在文化保护方面有35年的经验,并曾在弗吉尼亚海滩市担任职业公园和娱乐专业人员, located at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. He serves on the board of trustees of the Fort Monroe Authority.

安德森酋长一生致力于尊重全球印第安人的持久传统,是一位“由传统锻造而成,在现代世界中茁壮成长”的社区领袖.他是一位颇有成就的文化主持人,也是红弯天美国印第安人舞蹈团(RCS)的执行董事。. 2006年,安德森与家人和朋友共同创立了RCS. Under his guidance and management, 该组织已在美国和加拿大的近200个场馆展出. Highlights include the John F. 肯尼迪中心,印第安纳波利斯儿童博物馆和洛杉矶警局. Strengthening their reputation as dynamic presenters, 安德森酋长和他的剧团在各种出版物上都有特写, artworks, documentaries and film projects.

他持有里士满大学的健康管理和体育科学学士学位,目前正在攻读潮水社区学院的非营利管理认证. 安德森局长住在弗吉尼亚州的朴茨茅斯,他的两个儿子——卡梅伦和卡伦——对他忠心耿耿于.

Michelle Bailey Hedgepeth

Michelle Bailey Hedgepeth在地方政府运作方面拥有丰富的经验, research and project management. 她在全国各地的城镇有超过20年的工作经验,处理各种问题. Ms. Bailey Hedgepeth最近担任了一个新职位,即Bladensburg镇的镇管理员, MD. 在此之前,她曾在霍华德县政府担任助理首席行政官.

Professionally, her specialties are strategic planning, public information/media relations, performance measurement, local government policy implementation and analysis, inter-governmental relations, franchise administration, labor negotiations and other related areas.

Ms. Bailey Hedgepeth持有佛罗里达州立大学公共管理硕士学位和普渡大学政治学学士学位.

She moved to Maryland in 2011 with her husband and their daughter. 她的爱好包括园艺、养蜂、网球和其他户外活动. She has a blog called BeeMore, where she tries to chronicle her adventures in gardening and beekeeping. She also belongs to several professional and service organizations. Ms. Bailey Hedgepeth目前担任海港城(MD)分会的财务主管, Incorporated and the treasurer of Dubois Circle.

Vibha Jain 米勒

Vibha Jain 米勒担任人事和DEIBA(多样性)高级副总裁, Equality, Inclusion, Belonging and Accessibility) at FiscalNote. Prior to FiscalNote, Ms. 米勒 served as vice president, human resources & chief talent officer at Cogent Communications of Washington, D.C.是一家上市的全球互联网服务提供商,拥有1200名员工的高度多元化的团队. Previously, Ms. 米勒曾担任研究生入学管理委员会(GMAC)人力资源副总裁。, a global, mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools, and owner and administrator of the GMAT exam, where she provided strategic oversight of all HR functions. Before her time at Cogent and GMAC, Ms. 米勒 held executive-level HR positions at WETA, a public broadcasting station; Conservation International, a nonprofit environmental organization; Octagon, a global sports and entertainment content marketing company; and Discovery Communications, a global media company. Before then, Ms. 米勒 served in HR roles at several companies, including Discovery Communications, The Nature Conservancy and Goldman, 萨克斯 & Co.

Ms. 米勒持有康涅狄格大学政治学学士学位, 伦纳德大学工商管理与国际商务硕士学位. 在纽约大学斯特恩商学院毕业,并获得哈佛大学领导力教练认证.

Ms. 米勒 has previously served on the boards of the Potomac Conservancy, the HR Leadership Forum, 工作智商, 乔治梅森大学职业服务雇主咨询委员会和麦克莱恩地产社区协会. Vibha和她的丈夫Greg很快就会开始把他们的时间分配给麦克莱恩, Virginia and Rehoboth, Delaware. They intend to devote their attention to a cleaner Chesapeake Bay. 他们在麦克莱恩抚养了三个孩子,最近又迎来了一个儿媳. Ms. 米勒喜欢户外活动、旅游、园艺、徒步旅行以及与朋友和家人共度时光.

